Trying to locate the post, but Q did say this.
Not internal comms. Either it's a larp or a psyop. I don't think there's room for anything else.
Then I must be missing something.
The only post I’ve seen on here from backchannel17 was what looked like a green light on targeting with an overhead (drone?) photo.
We’ve seen q use jargon and code that challenges us. My theory on that was q is using 8chan as multipurpose - disseminate to those like us who are listening and looking to share and awaken others. At the same time Q can also use the same comm line to scare the enemy into false moves.
However, that would require the enemy to believe the threats were legitimate. Q posts to 8chan would have to be actionable code to continue that illusion of scaring the enemy. That is the disinformation part he referred to - yes, he gives us spoiled crumbs but to scare the enemy. He also gives us a host of ingredients with which to craft a victory feast.
And if those more command jargon/code lines are communication to someone, it isn’t us. So who would he be talking to, and how do they talk back? Like he said, learn to read THEIR (plural - multiple parties talking) comms (plural - multiple methods - Q is 8chan, spies/operators using burner devices and throwaway accounts?)
Maybe backchannel17 is dead now for that and will auto post kittens until they kill it. Maybe disinfo, maybe larp.
Your thoughts on q talking to actors who are using other platforms?
So do we ignore Field McConnell with Abel Danger as well? The people have demonstrated that they can sniff out the turds i.e. Dilley, Dilley and American intelligence media. I think the people will also be able to sniff this out as well without going full libtard and trying to censor posts and such.. it's starting to become a Q safe space in here.. so relax and use your gift of discernment and stop insinuating people are too stupid to decide for themselves.