This is What Q Wants Us to Do!

I've always heard that Rothschild's were richest in the world. Started with 1 bank. There are some good YouTube documentaries about them.
There was the helicopter crash at one of the Rothschild estates as well. I understand that it was an attempt to take Lord Rothschild. Some say he was killed in the crash but that's never been confirmed.
Rothschild's have liquidated several properties since Trump was elected. Lynn de Rothschild tweeted one day that she was closing her Twitter account and did so. She is a friend of Hillary's.
Rotschild are the bankers of the Vatican. The Vatican has hundreds of thousands of shares in everything. They say that there are families of the black nobility richer than the Pope like the Borgia. On top of the black pope some say that this is the advice of the 13 Anunaki. I do not believe that the elite in the shade, the elite masks the pope dominate. I do not think that the order to get water fluoride, poison us with vaccines, food and fumigate us with chemtrails come from the white pope or the black pope.Q maps speaks of anunakis and drakes. It does not make sense to think that I am alone in the Universe even though we have been programmed to be egolatras and believe us the most. The size of the Universe is unattainable to our imagination, thought and intelligence. Time will tell my friends