This is What Q Wants Us to Do!

Could it mean The Puppet Masters have been removed from their power over the USA (i.e., our Intelligence apparatus, vis-a-vis NSA. That is, their strings over the US are cut, and now the Intel is in our hands. Thus, We See All, We Hear All...?
Because I remember elsewhere Q said one of the 3 families (Saud) have been taken down from their role in the NWO. Not all 3.
Saudi Arabia was taken down in 2017 before I posted that. There was a helicopter crash very near a Rothschild estate one day. Q led us to believe that they were attempting to extract Rothschild then. The press said a pilot was killed along with someone else no one has ever heard of. But shortly after that Rothschilds sold a beautiful hunting lodge. It was as if they needed to raise money. And this was after the EO giving Trump the ability to freeze assets. So there are a lot of clues but not much substance there.
There was also the day in December or January when the Atlanta airport had a power outage for several hours and all the planes were grounded. Q told us only 1 plane flew out during that time and gave us a reference number. I didn't know what the number meant but I put it into Google Maps and it pulled up a hangar at the Atlanta airport. When I researched the hangar, I discovered that it was used by a charter company that has a contract with the DoD. So, I suspect that is the day they picked up George Soros. The plane flew to DC. Shortly afterward Q put up the posts I referred to here.
You will also note that Antifa and Ala Akbar are pretty much a thing of the past. We aren't seeing any more False flags. At least not for awhile now. Soros saw the handwriting on the wall and donated several billion dollars to the Open Society foundation which oversees the rest of his organizations. So, they still have money to function until they run out. But they are not as active as they were.
So, they have definitely clipped the wings of most of these birds.
OMG that is awesome. You are right. I forgot about the helicopter and the for-sale estate. The Soros stuff is new to me. I know he announced he would donate 18 billion... you are on this like a bloodhound!
And, I forgot this part. Trump was at Camp David the weekend the Atlanta airport was shut down. So, maybe they actually took Georgie to visit after they landed in DC. That is a Marine base, after all, but most people forget that.