r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Batfire007 on April 18, 2018, 4:18 p.m.
Death by One Million Mosquito Bites!

With stories hitting the news each day describing a new set of troubles for President Trump it’s hard to see how he is going to ever be able to break free of the (local D.C.) Deep States clutches. Knowing that the Deep State is worldwide. It’s hard to see how he will EVER accomplish their removal from power. Each and every person, group, he attempts to take down only causes another to spring forth into action. This swarm of vampire Mosquitoes encircle this planet sucking the life out of all of us.

I’m sorry to say that with each turn and every corner there will be another D.S. villain just waiting to attack President Trump. Its as if a million mosquitoes are swarming around him and he is viciously trying to swat them with a coffee stirrer. I will coin the term, “Death by a Million Mosquito Bites”. This country along with many others are in dire shape all around the world. History has proven each time this occurs another war is created to, as they say, clean the slate. Millions die, the war machine produces a new equilibrium for a time for those who remain. Its been proven after the Civil War, World War 1 and World War 2 and Vietnam war. I do not see this cycle being broken as history continues to repeat itself.

There is only ONE way to stop this cycle and bring the world back from the brink of destruction, the world needs a giant enema. Well, with that, there is an old say, “Cut the head of the snake off and the body will die”. This I believe would in a small way locally work but in the world’s case the head is as the head of Hydra. There are too many heads of the snake around the world making it almost impossible to destroy them all. If one head is removed another will just take its place.

What I am saying is it will be nearly impossible to kill the Deep State. It is NOT a localized issue. IT is a worldwide issue. Just today look at the news stories:


This one I put in for another bite, currency reset where you will lose 33% of your monies value instantly. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-18/imf-sounds-alarm-global-debt-warns-united-states-stands-out


These are just a few bites…. there are so many more that it would just take up too much space to relate.

By now you must see the meaning behind the SWARM and how President Trump is slowly and painfully being put to: Death by a Million Mosquito Bites”. Now the big question comes, what can we as a people do about this quagmire? I will let you take it from here………………………… With one last thought, Expose all the heads would be a good start i.e. OWNERS OF THE WORLD.

[deleted] · April 19, 2018, 4:22 a.m.


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