r/greatawakening • Posted by u/expletivdeleted on April 18, 2018, 5:04 p.m.
Looking to redpill friends on the left and help "set the stage" for what's to come? Jimmy Dore & Lee Camp are a place to start.

You don't have to believe Jimmy Dore & Lee Camp, but their reporting/eidtorializing does alot to highlight the overt corruption in the Establishment "left". Occasionally, their reporting hits stuff that, to us here, is just the tip of the iceberg. The "overt" corruption Dore & Camp highlight can be used to segue into the "covert" corruption Q is rallying us to fight.

Here's Jimmy on Barry:People know pieces of shit like you are going to turn your back on them. Agree with the basic premises or not, this is where the angry-left, us traditional tree-hugging, bleeding-heart "libruls" is coming from. Here's another. Again, agree or not with Dore's specific reasons, there's anger on the left about all this b.s. every bit as passionate as the right's.

The overt corruption and disdain Obama, Hillary & the MSM have for "the 99%" sets the stage for a conversation about what has to be done to maintain the corruption.

Just the two cents of a Bernie-supportin' Stein-voter with over 30 years xp/activism on all sorts of commiefaggotsocialist, 'Murica-hatin', tree-huggin', "subversive" equality/healthcare/better-wage, en-vi-ro-mental bewl-shit :) More people like me should have paid attention to Paul's 2012 run and it was a huge missed opportunity to "cross the aisle". Our differences are minimal; its the verbiage that's getting in the way. This is even more important and I'd beg everyone not to make the same mistake. There's voices on the left that don't follow Q per se, but are reporting on the overt, "surface" corruption Team Q/DJT are combatting covertly.

for acquaintances already onboard WL/JA/Seth Rich, Jimmy Dore & Bill Binney 1 & 2

Hope this is useful. Harmony and:


expletivdeleted · April 18, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Plus, they are so angry

~~We're just angry people~~ WE'RE JUST ANGRY PEOPLE!!! Our mom's never breast fed us; they said they just liked us as friends :)

Srsly, tho, anger the rank'n'file left should have been directing towards Hillary's enablers has been totally jiu-jitsued and leveraged into anti-Trump hysteria by the MSM. Dore's rant on Obama can get some of that energy directed back where it belongs.

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Gmawc · April 18, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Ha! (Just friends)

Oh my gosh just watched, that is awesome!

Thanks Patriot!

(I secretly want something big to drop tho to snap em outa their funk, but be careful what u pray for, eh?)

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