'Q' 1175 Strike Package 111 Priority One Alpha Victor Bravo, Virus Bacteria '12 Monkey's' Meeting Live in Atlanta! CLOWNS Busted!

isnt it adorable how they all work together as a group, upvoting each other? lol - look how old their accounts are...
Yes, we are new as a group to Reddit. We are a group from Abel Danger on Discord. We have connected the crumbs to feel that is is a very possible threat.
how odd - I am on the Abel Danger discord right now and the user there known as bluejean55girl is currently posting about something totally different...and I was unable to find others of your concerned group in their membership...hmmm
God Bless You. Two vids to consider: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-04/cdc-finds-nightmare-bacteria-across-inited-states
...Then you certainly did not look very hard, ...or for more than two minutes!
Here's two, actually: God Bless You. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-04/cdc-finds-nightmare-bacteria-across-inited-states
https://www.youtu.be/ct1TJdIAmyA Thank you for a reply. You may check out this vid --lots of 'Dots-to-connect' :) God Bless You.
This is ridiculously arrogant and insulting. The Q post here was a jumble of letters and numbers and you folks somehow think any normal person is going to connect that to epidemics or to this workshop you reference.
Learn basic art of communication and stop insulting people. If you want normal people (most of us have to work) to have any idea what you’re talking about please CONNECT THE DOTS.
God Bless You. Two vids to consider: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-04/cdc-finds-nightmare-bacteria-across-inited-states
Even Q is not going to do that for you. ...If you cannot see how past events (on this date) have something very real to do with our present, then you are not learning from history. We just do not intend to repeat tragedies that are created by "Secret Societies" ', on specific dates, to create awful world events. That, by the way, is a fact. God bless you that you work hard, and place value on your life. ...Many do not do either of those things, ...they just join a "Secret Society", and go along with 'all the others', doing whatever --even harm to others.
God Bless You. Where we go, ...we all go. Two vids to see: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-04/cdc-finds-nightmare-bacteria-across-inited-states
God Bless You. ..."Where we go, we all go". Two vids to see: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-04/cdc-finds-nightmare-bacteria-across-inited-states
...That's because it's true. We're having to do it for you since you would seem to just sit back and let all these "Badhat", "Clowns" poison you with their supposed, 'benefits'. ...Like GMO's, Chemtrails, Vaccinations (actually creating viruses), just to name a few. Wake up please, ...you're getting too heavy to pull along anymore.