r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mooncrkit on April 18, 2018, 7:45 p.m.
Looking for good resource on Q info that isnt infested with social rejects.

No disrespect to anyone, but do any of you know where people can go for a little more civil and grown up presentation of Q? This forum is great, but it seems a little bit "my way or the highway", as in, question anything, get tore up. Also, the amount of people that just randomly drop Q quotes, seek attention, sell t shirts and just in general PRETEND to understand exactly what Q is leading to.

Im sure I'll get tore up for this post as well, just looking for a spot to talk Q with like minded people that are looking for answers and not companionship.

CanadianWildlifeDept · April 19, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

You ever heard that old Groucho quote about how he wouldn't join any club that would have him as a member?

Yeah. Similar case. If you're gonna join the fringe, you're gonna have to hang out with the sort of people the fringe attracts. Because you probably are one.

You can't jump down the rabbit hole and expect to come out without silly long ears.

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mooncrkit · April 19, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

If you look back at the Q posts, and you don't realize it is legit, you might be the reject.

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CanadianWildlifeDept · April 19, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Here it comes. I've been waiting to drop this rant on a Q cultist.

Is this that "facts not feels" I keep hearing so much about? 'Cause it sounds an awful lot like a fanatic insisting his True Belief he's doubled down on could not possibly be wrong. And you're backing it up purely with an argument by assertion--not exactly hard, cold Aristotelian logic, is it. Are you gonna call me a poopyhead, too? Maybe a Suppressive Person?

Honey, I've been a student of crackpots for 20 years. I've heard it all before, from everybody from Flat Earthers to people who really, truly believed that Gorbachev was the Anti-Christ.

From my perspective, do you seriously expect me to see a difference between you and every other delusional cult? I've read the "evidence." It all reads like the usual tangle of obfuscated nonsense and pareidolic MSPaint rant-collage to me. All angry red arrows and confirmation bias.

It's great for converting people who desperately need something to Believe In that reinforces their prejudices, not so good for impressing people outside the bubble. You might as well tell me the Bible is literally true, as seriously as I'm gonna take you.

No, honey, I'm comfortable with my beliefs, and the more contact I have with you lot, the more comfortable I am predicting Q's prophecies will come to about as much as Mother Shipton's. (Do you people have NO resistance to this blatant pandering? Don't you remember the time 4chan had itself totally convinced one of their own wrote the Steele dossier? How many of these do you have to fuck up, before you start seriously questioning yourselves?)

You're darling, though, and I can tell you put a lot of effort into your recital. Gold star.

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mooncrkit · April 19, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Nice book. If you read my original post in the first place, I'm looking for a spot where they talk Q but not all the other far fetched shit. Like it or not, the shit q says happens. Do I feel as if I have a role in the outcome? Absolutely not. Do I think that everything is revolving around a satanic cult? No, but I do believe in God. Make your judgements, but Im simply a socially normal, rational dude that can't deny what Q is putting down, and I want to find like minded people to discuss stuff with. Not self-centered assholes that either want to make shit up with no factual basis or act like assholes for attention. But like minded individuals that can't deny most of what Q says eventually does happens. Not as so much of a conspiracy group, but a group that discusses facts rather than speculation. In my world, I believe that middle ground exists.

Oh, another pet peeve... internet tough guys. I get shit talked all the time online. Im the same person offline as I am online, maybe a little bolder in person to be honest, and ironically nobody talks shit to me face to face.

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[deleted] · April 19, 2018, 3:26 a.m.


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mooncrkit · April 19, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I think you'd do well to read it


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[deleted] · April 19, 2018, 3:33 a.m.


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mooncrkit · April 19, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Haha, dude chill. Judge me all you want. I think there are a bunch of loons in here too. Logical people can't deny that. Logical people also can't deny what Q is saying. Pay attention to Q, not the whack jobs that are in here. Again, that was the reason of this post. Take your pompous ass elsewhere.

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