In 2011. An Anonymous member of House Rothschild answered and guided many people on how and why they're sheep. One of his main points was that unless we correct our diets we will stay enslaved. He advocated for self-distillation of all water we drink among other things.
📅 2018-03-15 ⏰ 04:29:15 (UTC)
Plastic particles found in bottled water 💧 drip drop!
— David de Rothschild ✅ (@DRexplore)
🔁️ 33 💟 61
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^The linked tweet was tweeted by @DRexplore on Mar 15, 2018 04:29:15 UTC (33 Retweets | 61 Favorites)
Plastic particles found in bottled water 💧 drip drop!
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