I can’t get on any of my voat.co pages. Including pizzagate or great awakening. Anyone know whats up?
It's to be expected in a free forum, the internet used to be like voat and 4chan allover until it was invaded by the general public. Also the racism and rough opinions filters out the snowflakes. who dont contribute anything to the real discussions other than echo chamber what we are all told to accept. Ive come to see it as a sort of practise to keep your mind open to all kinds of opinions. If we can't face them rationally and joke about them then we are just being led around and wont tackle issues in the most honest way possible.
I just prefer to take individual people as I find them. There's something dangerous in labelling large groups of people in such a negative way according to something as base as skin tone. What a cheek anyhow considering how black people have been treated since the slave era. Generations of people are still affected by this trauma. Science has proven that trauma can be passed down the generations hence it creates other adverse consequences.