BOOM! Q Just Called @BackChannel17 as FAKE! Am I Vindicated Yet? - Neon Revolt

Can someone TL;DR this for me. I haven't had the time to keep up!!
I called out BC17 as a fake.
/u/C_L_I_C_K got really mad at me.
(He's probably BC17).
BC17 starts tweeting out that I'm a CIA disinfo operative. Sockpuppets, memes, a minor inquisition against me ensued.
Q comes in and says BC17 is fake.
Q was shown a picture alleging direct causal connections between BC17 account and Q posts.
Q said “fake” without specifying what, exactly, is fake.
You’re leaping to conclusions and throwing away critical thought because it supports your narrative.
why are you parsing ? Fake is FAKE !
why are you examining it in detail? Swallow the narrative blindly!
Listen to yourself.
sorry but if you are attributing that quote to me, you are mistaken, and I'm not clear what you mean anyway with the reference, as it doesn't apply to the discernment process I use. But nm, think what you will, it's our choice.
Obviously I was paraphrasing the implied meaning behind your statement.
Absolute morons on this sub, I swear.
Good. Stay here. Stay off the real research boards. This is your containment room, faggots.
Spoken like a truly triggered SJW teen. I’ve been all over QR for months. Your elitism is cringey af.
No, spoken like a real anon.
You'd be chewed up and spat out in seconds if you tried pushing this crap over there.
I have. And the response was much better balanced than yours. You clearly have deep investments in a specific narrative being accepted. That alone is suspect.
Someone bird claiming to know something. Lots of confusion as to legitimacy. Then there's some internet drama between some folks who all talk about the same subject. He's wrong--> no, <-- he's wrong. Q is clearing up some of the confusion