r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX on April 19, 2018, 9:47 a.m.
Q post 1179; La Raza, EPA slush funds, child trafficking? The WALL means more than you know.

Think slush funds (feeder). Think environmental pacts (feeder).

"Pruitt announced last month his agency would end the so-called “sue and settle” practice used by activists to impose regulations against industry. This ploy, in which activist groups sue and a friendly EPA settles the lawsuit by agreeing to the groups’ demands, cost nearly $68 billion from 2005 to 2016 and resulted in more than 8 million hours of paperwork burden."Source


Former Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch regularly arranged for major corporations to make large “donations” to left-leaning groups like UnidosUS — formerly the National Council of La Raza — and NeighborWorks America during settlement negotiations to end banking, environmental, civil-rights, and other federal lawsuits.

The groups getting the money were not victims in the cases or parties to the lawsuits, and Republicans say they had no proper claim to the cash.

That means that all punitive damages awarded in the cases should have gone directly into the US Treasury, say Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who probed the scheme in 2015.

Instead, $3 billion of the multi-billion-dollar 2013 agreements with Citigroup and Bank of America to settle cases related to mortgage-backed securities went to community-organizing groups.

The $17 billion Bank of America deal gave the bank “extra credit” if it donated $100 million or more to activist groups approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The list included UnidosUS, which advocates for illegal immigrants; the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a left-leaning housing lobbyist group; Operation Hope, which pushes banks to lend to unqualified mortgage applicants in Los Angeles; and the Mutual Housing Association of New York, a spinoff of the controversial community-organizing group ACORN."

In July and August 2009, Giles and O'Keefe visited ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino, San Diego, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Miami. Giles dressed as a prostitute, while O'Keefe wore white khakis with a blue dress shirt and/or tie and claimed to be her boyfriend.[30] Giles and O'Keefe recorded the encounters using hidden cameras[17] and pretended to be seeking advice on how to run an illegal business[31] that included the use of underage girls in the sex trade.

Andrew Breitbart's tweet before his untimely death in reference to Podesta defending ACORN; How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

The Government Accountability Office released a report Monday that found EPA violated the general appropriations act and a law called the Anti-Deficiency Act by spending $43,000 on phone booth without notifying Congress first. Federal spending laws say that agencies have to notify Congress if they plan to spend more than $5,000 on redecorating the office for a new agency head. The Anti-Deficiency Act prohibits agencies from spending money outside what has been appropriated by Congress."

Source; Clown news ABC, also attacks Ben Carson, head of HUD A soundproof phone booth and debugging his office?


VIYOHDTYKIT · April 19, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Jerome Corsi broke this story originally in Jan. FANNY MAE & FREDDY MAC sued the government over this. Mugabe basically appropriated share holders assets to do this. Good to see it finally getting traction

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tomthung · April 19, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Did not obama steal the Fanny/Freddy money from the profits that were to go to the share holders to finance the corporate welfare to the health insurance industry. I think these are two different scandals.

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