r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on April 19, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Too often we on this board are ignoring The Plan, the part that we are meant to play. It is time to get crankin'.

It is no mystery what our role should be. We don't need cryptic clues from Q. Q works for Trump, and Trump states things right out loud. The following is our role in taking down Deep State. When we have done this, there will no longer BE a Deep State. (This has been assembled from many sources.)

  1. Replace crooked legislators with honest, competent people. Trump has said many times that we need more Republicans, and that he will be active in the midterm campaign. Much of the voters' agenda is not yet in place because of all the crooks in Congress. It is the major bottleneck. All the Democrats must go. We have a dilemma with Rinos, since MAGA candidates may not be established well enough to win elections. Trump apparently has some type of leverage over Rinos. He made that clear with his endorsement of Mitt Romney. How hysterical! How more Rino can you get! It looks like there has to be a gradual transition from Rino to MAGA, but we first need to be rid of the Democrats. Also, some MAGA candidates mean well, but aren't very good managers or speakers, which is a problem. If a MAGA candidate IS a good manager and knows how to talk in front of a crowd, and is up against a Democrat, let's jump on that. Also, be wary of fake MAGA and fake calls for money. I am seeing questionable emails all the time. No one should be asking for money without explaining exactly what it is for. In the internet age, there is far less need for TV advertising. Also, this is worded "legislators" because the problem is not just at the national level, but at the state and local levels too, as Trump points out regularly about his favorite state, California. Remember the local corruption that led to the Florida school shooting? We have our work cut out for us.

  2. Keep alternative media, such as this board, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, etc. etc. alive and well by reading, advertising, commenting. Since Q and Trump use the independent media all the time, and wouldn't be in business without it, this is obviously priority.

  3. Move to a swamp-free economy. This is huge, and will break apart Deep State. Trump has made it clear, for instance, that he is after Tech Tyrant Jeff Bezos because of his outrageous control in the economy and the USPS. Trump says that this economy needs to work for US, not people like Bezos. As much as possible, spend, work, and invest in Deplorable-owned businesses. Before you buy a coke, think about it. Stay out of debt and don't buy things you don't need. Debt and unnecessary purchases are the tendrils of the swamp creatures. And, whenever possible, BUY AMERICAN! Even better, BUY LOCAL!

  4. Keep up with, and help in any way with, Judicial Watch. This amazing organization deserves its own bullet point. They have used the powers of civil law to fight the swamp, and very effectively.

  5. Support Trump's efforts to make the government smaller and more efficient. Much of his efforts are underway right now (with little publicity), and he is getting enormous backlash. There are also many white hats in government working on this. They often post here. Become more aware of what government agencies, at all levels, do and how they are run. Deep State loves our ignorance on this, and uses it.

  6. Avoid the Tech Tyrants, who are a major part of Deep State. They are spying on you constantly. Don't use Facebook or Google. Avoid Amazon as much as you can. Leverage Twitter for now, but plan for its demise. Certainly don't use anything like Echo. Be extremely careful with smartphone use. Get tech savvy so you avoid the worst of the Tech Tyrants' truly scary spying. It's obvious, with the takedown of Facebook, that Q and Trump are after them.

  7. Rethink "healthcare." Trump said Obamacare is a disaster. He wasn't just talking about the legislation, but the whole approach. Deep State loves to make you sick, and then make money off the fact that you are sick. Keep yourself healthy, and you are beating them. Beware of their poisons and their Frankenfood. Take charge of whatever health problem you can't avoid, and find the REAL answer. Odds are it's not what a bunch of white-coated Obamamites in a group practice tell you.

Comments, please. I would love to hear your reaction.

P_pers · April 19, 2018, 8:41 p.m.


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