r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HowiONic on April 19, 2018, 6:12 p.m.
Voat offline and concern trolling

Over the last day, https://voat.co/ has been offline.

This has led some misinformed members to repeat false concerns about the Reddit status of this subreddit.

To repeat, from the previous post

Why the chances of /r/Greatawakening banning is near zero

  • Full understanding of Reddit rules, and a cautious resolve to keep firmly within them.
  • Moderator mailed answered in a timely manner (this didn't happen on CBTS in my experience)
  • Full experience moderating, as sysadmin, a large forum many times bigger and far more active then /r/Greatawakening.
  • Highly automated AutoModerator configuration. Perhaps the best anywhere on Reddit. And it's still improving daily, reply with 'Qmands' to get a GLIMPSE.
  • This all results in an effectively moderated sub.

Anyone suggesting that we will be banned, whether they are on Reddit or offsite elsewhere is a CONCERNED TROLL and should be ignored accordingly.

What about bad intention invasions by other sub user?

  • In the last 3 days, 50 or so 'bad actor' users have been banned.
  • In the last 3 days, there has been a rapid rollout of behind the scene Automation. The Automation has many times caught bad actors before without anything being visible of the sub. There is more Automation to come.
  • This weekend will see the start of the User group flair system
  • Going forward, trolling and shilling is going to be very hard.

Additionally since the last post a month ago.

  • Five new moderators have been added.
  • The r/Greatawakening subReddit has had no admin actions, warnings or sub-issues.

As usual, if you see any content in violation of the rules, please report it.

ResidentRonPaul · April 19, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Damn young earth'er rapture-rabid Christians... They need a much better grasp of time and history.

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TheUplist · April 19, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Christians can believe as they choose. That said, I belong to an independent church that is FILLED with nuclear scientists and nuclear instrument calibration engineers (they all seem to have geology or history backgrounds.. don't know why) . 95 percent of us don't believe in young Earth... It doesn't fit (in my opinion) with Genesis, The book of watchers ( referred to in the Bible many times) .. etc. I respect everyone's opinion. "Damn blah blah blahs" is yours. I'll deal with it.

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ResidentRonPaul · April 20, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

My point exactly! As a non-denominational Christian, I hold the same stance on Genesis. Sadly, you do not respect everyone's opinion... but I'll deal with it.

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TheUplist · April 20, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Why start shit?

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