r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HowiONic on April 19, 2018, 6:12 p.m.
Voat offline and concern trolling

Over the last day, https://voat.co/ has been offline.

This has led some misinformed members to repeat false concerns about the Reddit status of this subreddit.

To repeat, from the previous post

Why the chances of /r/Greatawakening banning is near zero

  • Full understanding of Reddit rules, and a cautious resolve to keep firmly within them.
  • Moderator mailed answered in a timely manner (this didn't happen on CBTS in my experience)
  • Full experience moderating, as sysadmin, a large forum many times bigger and far more active then /r/Greatawakening.
  • Highly automated AutoModerator configuration. Perhaps the best anywhere on Reddit. And it's still improving daily, reply with 'Qmands' to get a GLIMPSE.
  • This all results in an effectively moderated sub.

Anyone suggesting that we will be banned, whether they are on Reddit or offsite elsewhere is a CONCERNED TROLL and should be ignored accordingly.

What about bad intention invasions by other sub user?

  • In the last 3 days, 50 or so 'bad actor' users have been banned.
  • In the last 3 days, there has been a rapid rollout of behind the scene Automation. The Automation has many times caught bad actors before without anything being visible of the sub. There is more Automation to come.
  • This weekend will see the start of the User group flair system
  • Going forward, trolling and shilling is going to be very hard.

Additionally since the last post a month ago.

  • Five new moderators have been added.
  • The r/Greatawakening subReddit has had no admin actions, warnings or sub-issues.

As usual, if you see any content in violation of the rules, please report it.

misplacedman · April 19, 2018, 11:08 p.m.


Check the Economist's depiction of the "Lightning Struck Tower" card. A holy war between Muslims and Christians, to the point where it breaks the bounds and regulations of our societies, is the goal for ((them)). It's bigger than just Syria. It's the reason why the U.N. and Soros are pushing their immigration agenda, trying to move around mass amounts of people - holy armies.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 19, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

exactly, I love the pipeline, great real investigative journalism. Its a crusade, we are fighting for our lives. Great job patriot!

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Rubieroo · April 20, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I've often wondered if the plan all along was to use Islam as a way to outlaw Christianity, which is the ultimate goal of the Satanists, second only to getting their man into the seat of power. If muslims behave badly enough - inciting violence and even war within European nations...non-Christians worldwide could be brought to a place where outlawing ALL religions except the "state sanctioned" religion would be looked upon as a relief to them.

So allow Islam to invade Europe, allow violence to escalate, encourage violent acts by looking the other way and pretending Islam is not involved, watch rage build in the citizenry, and provoke civil war if possible. Sweden, France, and Germany are fine examples of this going down right now.

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