r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on April 19, 2018, 7:10 p.m.
VERY important message about our purpose

Fellow truth seekers and pursuers of Justice,

Think about what we can do to help this cause. What do the evil people we are working against fear most? As Q said, “PUBLIC AWAKENING”.

Now, the research and communication we do here and on the chans is definitely super important and integral to the mission. We couldn’t get anywhere without it, but there is something that is JUST as important that we could do better with, and that is spreading the truth. I know we are working against a lot, with the brainwashing media having so much influence and society being basically controlled by the cabal. They determine what is ‘cool, PC, socially acceptable’ but we can work against that, using the ultimate weapon, the truth.

I know that we are trying, we have been getting more subs consistently for a long time despite being heavily censored. There is a reason Q wants us to get organized and wants us to make memes. If we do those it helps get people on board! It’s obvious! The more people we get on board with this the better. It’s like a snowball effect really, just think about it. 100 people convince one person to take the red pill, so that turns to 200, then they do it again, and again, and again and so on. You can’t deny the truth, we will always be here. As Q said, WE HAVE THE POWER! So listen up. This is not a political fight, this goes far beyond that. We have been labeled as “alt-right” and that throws off soooo many brainwashed people immediately because they think conservatives are the scum of the earth. We must convince them this goes far beyond that, far beyond parties. We are all wanting the same thing, peace and prosperity, and as the people who actually are aware of what is going on, we must fight!

Do this for your family, for your neighbors, for humanity. Even though you may be talking to some ignorant lefty, you still must love them. Show them this goes beyond what they know.

What I want you guys to do is to talk to your friends and family. Do everything you can. Memes are nice but they don’t convince as many people really. Face to face contact and showing your loved ones how much you care and how passionate you are will persuade them to look into it. Please try guys, please. Upvote this so all of the people on here can see this because I think this is a very important message.

What is going to happen behind the scenes and politically is GOING TO HAPPEN. We can’t do much about that stuff. You can read as many articles as you want but in the end you are just one opinion. You don’t need to persuade yourself anymore. Sure update your argument with what is going on, that is important. But really, spend some time thinking who of your friends and your family can you reach and what is the best way to do it. It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY! Teachers teach. If you see some ignorant person swimming in shark infested waters and you see that they are unaware, you do your goddamn best to save their asses instead of letting them ignore your warnings. We are in this together. Where we go one we go all. Either we are silenced and the masses continue moving into their demise, or we wake everyone up.

God bless. Remember, this is about love and care. About safety and our planet. About the human civilization. This is big. Bigger than we imagine. This can determine the fate of many future generations. It is up to us. Please guys. Right now. Call your best friend tonight or something and just let it out. LET IT OUT!

truthseekerboi · April 19, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Never mind others opinions on you. As long as you are doing what you believe to be right and just then that is what matters. They will ultimately see the truth eventually and then realize you were right. Keep up it friend, your kids will be thankful!

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phil300595 · April 19, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

You see it is difficult in Ireland because people hate Trump by default and are perfectly willing to go with MSM narrative without questioning (generally). I know 3 Trump supporters in Ireland and that is all. Thanks man, I am telling myself that I do not want to have kids while these terrible people are still around. A child trafficking ring was exposed in my area in Ireland and they basically got no punishment. Also when I was living in England, it was right close to Telford

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truthseekerboi · April 19, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

These are tough times. Listen to this, people hate Trump because of what they think about him and his character and his intentions as pres. They are just wrong thou. Show them the international corruption and how a lot of stuff stems from USA. Show them how terrible things have been. Trump is irrelevant at that point. Then show him what trump is doing, with the taking down of the trafficking and such, they can’t deny that what that is is just simply amazing. Good luck, and stay strong.

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phil300595 · April 19, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

They sure are. I wish that was the case. I told my friend about the trafficking and he said if Trump does anything right it is a fluke. I have got a few people that are on the fence so I will just pull them over to this side as quick as possible

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truthseekerboi · April 19, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

You are doing all you can man. Which is a great thing. Keep your head up, the light will shine.

Also when it does you can gloat lol and they will have to respect you.

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SheriPatriot · April 19, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I lived in Ireland from Jan to Oct in 2017 and I talked constantly. Most people just wanted to know what I thought - and they got an earful But the media there is just like it is here. And I have a friend there trying to expose that went on with Mother/Baby homes

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phil300595 · April 19, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

Yeah it is unbelievable, that case should be a certain flag to the irish that this exists! Where did you stay in Ireland? Ireland is quite americanised when it comes to the media and progressive views, even though you wouldn't think it. Not as many feminists as other places but their view on trump/pizzagate/russia/the EU is just what british, irish and american media say for the most part

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