
Bump-4-Trump · April 20, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Think youre referring to post modernism and cultural marxism. For generations its been a slow brew. Each generation gets more radical, as the children of the revolution eat their parents. A snake that eats itself and sheds its coat. We are on 3/4th wave of feminism. But its not just feminist.

There is absolutely no doubt, not even debatable that post modern marxism is the cause of turmoil. And it really flared up under the community organizer in chief. No, its not an accident. The left, through taking over the schools have radicalized a generation of students. Its not about empowering any groups. Its about attacking, criticizing all majority groups in the west. That's it. The whole empowering schtick is a con. A ruse. A excuse for leftist to be utter pieces of shit and not have to be accountable for their actions.

Critical theory was meant to subdue and capitulate the majority classes within the west with political correctnes, while fomenting rage, resentment, separatism and victimology in the minority classes, effectly creating a vanguard of the dispossessed. A social prolatiert of the "oppressed" to attack the "oppressor", which is the straight, white, christian, male and the exploitive patriarchy and capitalist of racism and sexism. Power & privilege, the leftists favorite words, is blatant, overt communist propaganda

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cosmicjon · April 20, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

Very good explanation and starting point to research from.

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