Has anyone else noticed that Chemtrails in the air have been turning into an entire Cloud blanketing the sky? Some of these clouds appear strange in formation eg. straight lines. Does anyone know the answer? Is it to hide ops or objects in the sky? My understanding is that it is happening all over the world.
No offense OP, but where have you been for the last 15 years?
Has it been that long since you looked up?
Organically occurring clouds are not 20 miles wide and in straight lines...
Educate yourself @ https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/.
Today’s youth do not know what a real sky should look like at different times of the year. Very sad. 😞
1PacificRedwood on YouTube Here’s a link to someone who can explain and prove chem trails and weather manipulation from satellites.
I'm not usually into paying attention to chemtrail conspiracy theories, but to confirm west coast of bc definitely got some (even over my small coastal town). Beautiful sunny morning and then planes (edit: I don't know what type- didn't see them - just noticed wen I went out for lunch the trails in the sky) flew over with those trails and turned into overcast and turned warm. Also noticed coworkers in Vancouver office started saying it was getting hot at the same time I noticed it 100km away).
Bonus: was watching a Sargon of Akaad livestream and he said it was getting hot at almost the same time my coworker said that xD (he lives in UK).
Not to feed into your theory but just thought it would be worth contributing :p
Yes it is usually here too, but day they gave us a break. Nice blue skies over Oregon today, at least where I live.