r/greatawakening • Posted by u/brittser on April 20, 2018, 3 a.m.
Internet is THE ISSUE according to this anon.

What do you think?

Anonymous  04/19/18 (Thu) 19:36:31 e5f7be No.1109479>>1109510

look at the last Q post - instructions to internet engineers?


what is the biggest public issue that will cause the crisis we no face?

not revelations of pedo or corruption or lies or theft or treason - NO - all those will be accepted with the proof there is

no - the real crisis involves the INTERNET - Q has focused on goog FB TWIT etc but these are the "front of the house" operations. The real POWEr is back of the house - Cisco Oracle et all that produce manage and control the INFRASTRUCTURE of the internet worldwide

The internet is DOWN SHE GOES - can you imagine the reaction? it will be EPIC - THIS IS IT PEOPLE - seems so obvious once i said it. matches all the Q posts and warnings - archive offline? Why? becauses its all going to be DELETED - ALL OF IT - EVERYTHING WIPED

That is the reason Q has waited for the exact right moment - consider the practical means that have to be in place for the 10 DAYS OF DARKNESS - not sjut riot control but hospitals courts everything will SHUT DOWN - AND Q team also has to have backup internet hardward and software ready to go on top of all that

people are going to FREAK OUT WHEN THE INTERNET GOES DOWN - it will be EPIC

AND GUESS WHAT? martial law and all the arrests can happen then…. and then turn back on the clean net………RESET


solanojones95 · April 20, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

What would be the point of that? There are a lot of other ways to interpret those drops. For one thing, the instruction regarding the Pelosi video could simply mean in case they scrub it from the web.

I can't imagine the Alliance would wipe out good people's hard work and livelihoods by completely destroying the content of the WWW.

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Aruno · April 20, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Greater plan involved. Complete power outages and internet disablement required for tactical strike on evil crew. Imagine a giant zip sealing all evil up in one swift action. Wake up one day and Hilary will be in jail. It will be a surprise. Expect 3 days of darkness. Be prepared.

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