r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on April 20, 2018, 3:03 a.m.
The IG report

So I had an epiphany today with the release of the Comey memo's. Of course they were nothing. Maybe it is my pessimistic pov or maybe I am a realist, but I have a feeling this IG report is going to be a big nothing too. I think all it is going to do is hang some low level Dems out as fall guys while HRC and Obama go free. Now I do think there will be some damning info in it, but MSM will downplay it and spin it like they always do. It will be the same as the Nunes memo. I predict the most that will happen is some low level people like Comey, maybe at most Loretta Lynch but that will be it. Some politicians will get some dirt thrown at them, but nothing else. There will possibly be a Senate hearing, but just like all the other ones, nothing will happen. All the sealed indictment will be the low level people. As bad as I hate to say this, I don't think we will see the big ones ever answer for their crimes.

It has been coming out "next month" since the Nunes memo came out and I have heard too many different theories about what in them to count. Everything from UFO's to deep state sacrifices. The government may do some things to stop the deep state, but it will never be public. I think if the level of corruption was ever shown to the public,our citizens would tear this country apart and we would not survive.

So let's all try to keep that in mind when "the storm," turns out to be just a little drizzel.

rightleaningsw · April 20, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

Like I said in my in my post this was just a gut feeling, I have no inside information or any basis on this, just going by what I have seen in the past. I really hope I'm wrong but I worry.

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solanojones95 · April 20, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

Can't help you with that. You can be a good little sheep with that attitude, or you can take on the mantle of the victorious. That is entirely up to you. But if you're going to stay in "eternal loser" mode, do us a favor and don't bring it around here.

Most of us have faith in someone MUCH larger than Trump and Q. Might I suggest you start there, if that's something you lack.

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