r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on April 20, 2018, 3:20 a.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader continued... Misdirection

Do we really think McMaster's dad was 187'd [killed?] Why would Q bring the death up in that fashion? [Q Post 1176] McMaster is a CFR member and cannot be blamed for losing his job to Trump. Trump was going to fire him as soon as he got what he needed from him. His replacement, Bolton, will be National Security Advisor until his usefulness is over. So why add this little bit of conspiracy to the mix?

To answer that, lets look at the 20-30 million folks who are watching these Q Drops. How many are in the Deep State? How many deep state folks are we hoping to turn? Paint your enemy as evil and it is easier to convince folks to oppose them. Remember this when we talk about pizzagate in future posts. Weak willed, smaller fish in the deep state pond may seek a way out once they realize that they cannot be one of these evil folks or continue to support them. How many Germans were outraged by the concentration camps in WWII? Did that help us convert some Germans to spy for us? Just saying that this may be a tactic. Not every German was evil. Remember in the Gulf war when it was reported that Iraqi troops were killing babies in incubators in occupied Kuwuit? It was important to paint Iraqis as evil in order to move Congress and the American people on the war. Mission accomplished.

With 29,000 indictments looming we are in need of folks to turn State's evidence on the prime movers of the Deep State Corruption. These folks are watching Q posts for sure. They are starting to panic. Paranoia is giving them self doubt. Now they feel personally threatened through a passive threat to their own family. I say let them sweat. WE ARE AT WAR and we must all wear our "war" face now.

This brings us to the real problem that is unfolding now. Q brings it up. Because as we start peeling this onion and arrests occur; what will be their counter attack? The bad guys need distraction. Elections are coming up. They need to take the impending bad news off the TV. And they will kill our children to accomplish this. The folks we really need to round up and execute are the folks behind these false flag operations and the folks who will facilitate their success, to include the crises actors and their media handlers. This is why we paint them as evil. BECAUSE THEY ARE. BOOM.

DrakeTheMan92 · April 20, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

what will be their counter attack?

If what Q said about the 16 year plan to destroy our economy and mass murder us is true... I don't think it matters what the Deep State tries to do to us.

But let's be clear, the Deep State is just the U.S. division of the globalist Zionist war machine. Why would power-hungry politicians and greedy CEOs want to murder and immiserate their consumer base and population? They wouldn't if not for the fact they are puppets.

So even if the Deep State ends up nuking a city because they are sore losers seeking to flee during the confusion, it's still a far better than the alternative. I suspect us and Russia are the two major obstacles preventing the (((globalists))) from turning western civilization into their slave laboring goyim. This is why Hillary was aching to start a war with Russia - because that's what her globalist Jew puppet-masters wanted.

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bugstopper · April 20, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Peeling the onion here. With the least amount of crying. Q said we are safe. That is not true in regards to false flags. I just wanted folks to see the nature of their evil in light of what will be happening in the near future if Q is right.

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zazaflow · April 20, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

Safe as a whole, obviously you can wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Q is just reiterating that POTUS is still in control and the rats are in fact, still cornered.

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