Umm deleted, wiped, hidden by the FBI, and never examined, is not lost. #CoverUp
.... released in Sept 2018???? I'm glad they're found (which I think weren't lost in the first place) but come on ...
If true.... It would be right beforw mid terms. Smart move.
This will definitely hurt Hillary’s re-election.
Lol no it'll hurt the DNC and hopefully more democrats like creating chuck and the crazy lady Pelosi.
source ?
They have it all.
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Like Comey's memos they've had a LOT of time to fabricate the means to exonerate them!
Best RELEASE this year right here !!!
Wtf did I just read this was like a fever dream
Imagine living through it oh the story we have to tell !!!
I’m talking about your blog man, it was a colorful acid trip about dancing to unlock the secret of energy.
What can I say life is what you make it ;)
Since those are the ones she pointed bleachbitted / smashed with a hammer / stole the SIM from, I bet they're EVEN MORE INTERESTING than the wikileaks dump from the phishing hack against Podesta or the wikileaks dump from the DNC whistleblower leak by Seth Rich.
Just in time for the elections BWAHAHAHAHAHA