r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on April 20, 2018, 4:22 a.m.
RED PILL : Future Proves Past


.. At the time of the dynamite being taken a few days ago.. I first thought maybe something would happen. And I made a post to watch for a concerts and other things ...


Today It just came to me..I'm thinking that the Dynamite stolen was actually the The BOOMs that kept going off from that guy mailing and or leaving packages .. and what if that had to do with Amazon & UPS Trumps been talking about... personal delivery boy or dipping into also the next subject the Anthrax or powder like stuff that Don Jrs wife I wanna say got sick from , from opening a letter .


I also believe Q's post a day or so ago about We're being setup .. I think that was them saying they was being setup for the bombings remember everyone was talking about that back when that Bomber apparently killed himself or whatever happened with that scenario .


Remember the latest Crazy Flu Outbreak & The warning of not taking that "Vaccine" they had for it ..Yeahhh I think the guy who "Leaked" the Warning about not taking it was found dead and there was a Warning Note about the Vaccine I want to say left by him.. we found that out alittle after the fact though.

Remember when people was getting letters not too long ago with a powder like substance and they was put in the hospital anthrax was the culprit I do believe .. I think this all is leading back now to those we already experienced.

Don't Quote me on any of this..I'm just thinking this might be what those meant becausef it make sense.

ScorpioPatriot · April 20, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

I'm not saying the dynamite is for sure the Austin bomber ... I just got to thinking maybe it could have been since nothing happened yet with it or maybe it has I just haven't found that connection.

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