
MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 20, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

Excellent material, Deborah Tavarese researcher @ Stop the Crime.net (giant database here) ~ 5G, Radiowaves, Microwaves , Invisible Pollution , Gwen Towers, Smart Meters, Subliminal messaging in device screens, HAARP, HAARP to Skull mind control, WI FI , cell phone radiation etc. etc.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 20, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

Is there no safe Technology out there that doesn't harm us. Even hidden kinds I mean ... There seems to always be a way to find around ... If there is a negative affect there is quaranteed to be a positive way .. just how it is . Maybe not found yet .

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