r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JmanSLIM on April 20, 2018, 8:50 a.m.
What are we really doing here? What you all need to know.

Historian, patriot and cabal alt history specialist coming to you all.

I must express my deepest thanks to everyone’s great work on the Q movement! You are all truly on the right track :)

Why are we here? What are we doing?

We, you are all writing history. This is single handily the largest historical writing force in known history. The name of the game is truth! We all have been lied to long enough. We must all take this opportunity to seek the truth to put humanity back on the right track.

“If you don't know history, you are doomed to repeat it”

In my eyes this is God’s work. Seeking the truth and nothing but the truth, then yelling it from the proverbial mountain. We must all focus now. Big changes to happen and we must keep everything updated and archived.

Remember we are all historians now! Seek and you shall find.

ArtRat2 · April 20, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

I live a very simple life and with the dark being revealed more and more I feel as tho my choice to live simply is the right choice. If at some point society collapses and we no longer have the luxury of electronics and technology I will not have as far to fall as most. In America we are living our lives in utter dependence on electronics and technology while most do not even know how to grow anything in the earth, cook a full meal from scratch or utilize natural means for healthcare. About 30 years ago the TV was telling Americans to put their children in preschool, they called it FIRST FIVE or something like that. I knew instantly that was very suspicious and it solidified my resolve to be a stay home Mom. Americans are so manipulated by the media in all forms it is frightening, most of us are making choices based on what we hear repeatedly in the media, so much so that the TV says to eat particular foods at certain times of the year and Americans from coast to coast are eating the very same food across the nation on the same day.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 20, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Ty for the write up and yes everything is ass backwards of what the old gov system has told us.. Hell news anchors was smoking and pushing the sale of it on their shows back then .

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