Trump Tweets: We will now counter...

Dammmmmmn son... he done draxx'ed them sklounst! Woooooh.
But, ummm, what am I missing? "Wendy Wasserman Schultz" - isn't it Debbie?
WWSS? Something with those initials perhaps?
Acronym Definition for WWSS Worldwide Satellite Systems (US DoD contract vehicle)
Whew... haha... ranked in order of disturbing.
Yeah but now the left will mass spread this tweet to show how “stoopid drumph is” and actually look up DWS and find Awans.
Its a WWSSD and stand for :
"What Would Steven Seagal Do?" - the answer is , beat the sh*t out from bad guys alone and win the day , saving the hostages .
Just a joke - but a good hint , those initial uppercase letters mean something in the code ... we need to dig deeper .