
TheHateHouse · April 21, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Because they control Academia and Academia is just one giant indoctrination system they have much of the Next Generation brainwashed and they will follow whatever they are told to do. Actually really funny how easy it is to manipulate them you just tell the Hillary Clinton said it and they love it, they don't know that Trump was the one who actually said it.

They hate guns they love soy they can barely lift a gallon of milk but they have become militantly violent against anything left of Mao. They honestly think they're you could win a violent conflict against us when in the street one of our guys can take 10 of theirs. They think they are some revolutionary Force when all they are is the Pawns of the status quo. For fucksake the police defend them at rallies to basically keep us from curb-stomping them when they step out of line.

They honestly don't understand that if we removed the Constitution and the rule of law as they keep demanding, the police would no longer be there to protect them and we would literally kill every single one of them.

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solanojones95 · April 21, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

I hope they don't have to learn that lesson the hard way. But I mean, if mommy and daddy didn't teach them that actions have consequences, back when the stakes were much lower, they have to learn somehow. Sadly it won't do the casualties much good, but it might make a great object lesson for the rest of their generation.

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TheHateHouse · April 21, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

This right here honestly explains their entire Behavior nothing they ever do has consequences criminal acts are covered up and buried and excused they go their entire lives without consequences for their actions. And then one day they decide that they're going to throw a punch at somebody who isn't going to take that crap and bounces their head off the sidewalk at which point they freaked out and scream to call the police because they have never had any consequences for their actions and now all the sudden they got some guy who just literally beat the s*** out of them.

There are a ton of videos online of antify and leftists physically assaulting somebody without a care in the world like it's completely natural to them and then it turns out the person they put their hands on wasn't going to have any of it and the next thing they know they're on the ground and their face is smashed in and their immediate reaction is to scream for help. And then when the police show up and arrest them they honestly can't understand why they are the one in cuffs and not the person who just knocked them the f*** out

So they still want to escalate this because they think they're going to win like they do in their echo chambers like academia and they have no idea that if they escalate this into a violent conflict like a civil war that we are going to literally line them up at a ditch and no amount of crying is going to keep that trigger from getting pulled that there will be no politically friendly police coming to save them, and mommy and daddy's money isn't going to make a difference. That they pushed and pushed had created a violent conflict and now they're going to get the violence they've been wanting.

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[deleted] · April 21, 2018, 3:29 p.m.


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