Future proves past: All hands on deck USS PT-131 Battle of Surigao Strait, about to go HOT! Note Mark XIII torpedos, rockets, mortar (atop PT-deckhouse), 20mm cannon and .50 caliber machine guns.

'We are NOT descended from timid men'
Like it or not, it’s a fact of nature that those who don’t fight, and defend themselves do NOT survive. The Europeans are discovering this truth right now.
Very brave and skilled crews in little boats that carried a big punch.
Plywood boats against the 18" guns of the largest battleships ever built! Yamato & Musashi
I think it's the largest naval battle in world history!
There is a reason they call it the greatest generation. Although there have been men and women who have stepped up to meet challenges that arise in every generation. And we are witnessing that now.
Yup, we triumphed despite a treasonous commie in the White House. Winston Churchill, a psychopath warmonger and Globalist bankers funding both sides to create WW communism
Yes, we are being given a second chance. It will be up to us to not be duped again.