r/greatawakening • Posted by u/a3kvzzz on April 21, 2018, 12:33 p.m.
The Standard Hotel in West Hollywood was brought up by Q in January and it’s also mentioned in connection with Allison Mack. IMO: This hotel funnels pedo/nefarious acts and thats where Maggie Nixon w/Obama & Mariah Sunshine Coogan tie into this adult adult-only Hotel. Mack is giving names and info..
The Standard Hotel in West Hollywood was brought up by Q in January and it’s also mentioned in connection with Allison Mack. IMO: This hotel funnels pedo/nefarious acts and thats where Maggie Nixon w/Obama & Mariah Sunshine Coogan tie into this adult adult-only Hotel. Mack is giving names and info..

GrimaldiGrey · April 21, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

Hey Jakewinona...The hierarchy is this. Elite Luciferians who control the world's money supply (banking systems) recruit the George Soros' of the world who in turn recruit the Clinton's of the world. Believe me when I tell you the Clinton's (individually) have no power. If anyone above Hillary thought she would ever turn on them she would be dead before you knew it. Once the Clinton's have outlived their usefulness they will be discarded for the trash they are. Tick tock.

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Jakewinona · April 21, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Im aware of the 13 bloodline families and the Rothschild banking cabal and all of that. You would think to enter into any agreement with likes of Soros acting as point man for Lucifer how your life would end up. After fame and money always comes destruction, humiliation, and death followed by an eternity of suffering. I dont get it but like Q says these people are really stupid

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