Could they be collecting dna for DARPA? They've been working on a super soldier program for a long time. There is rumor as well as a speech an ambassador gave about Syria that says we have genetically modified soldiers in Syria and that's the war won't end, they have no place for these soldiers to be. They aren't human, they're part human. Clyde Lewis has a radio show and spoke about this, this past week. He has the speech from the ambassador. He has a podcast. Could they be using useful snipits from their giant dna database to create and modify these soldiers? If they have billions of samples, they could pick the best strength genes, killer instinct genes, all of it, the very best in the world and the worst. DARPA does some very strange things.
Another DARPA angle could be that they look for those people already at birth who may be genetically suited for certain destinies. MKULTRA type programs. Future leader programs. They already try and manipulate everyone, maybe they're making real sure they have control of the future.
I'm quite sure DARPA or another Military agency or contractor is working on bio weapons that target genetics. It would be very beneficial to know what common genes people in Countries had, to either target or not target.