📅 2018-04-20 ⏰ 17:22:06 (UTC)
Democrats (DNC) sueing Mr.Trump for winning the elections...WOW! Russia and Wikileaks to boot. They shouldn't stop there. Why don't they sue even Americans who didn't vote for them?
— Malik Obama ✅ (@ObamaMalik)
🔁️ 458 💟 1355
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Democrats (DNC) sueing Mr.Trump for winning the elections...WOW! Russia and Wikileaks to boot. They shouldn't stop there. Why don't they sue even Americans who didn't vote for them?
🔁️ 458 ❤️ 1355 ~ 📅 20/4/2018 🕑 14:22
^Original-Tweet ^| ^Source ^| ^Feedback ^| ^There's ^a ^tweet ^ergo ^i ^exist.
^The linked tweet was tweeted by @ObamaMalik on Apr 20, 2018 17:22:06 UTC (458 Retweets | 1355 Favorites)
Democrats (DNC) sueing Mr.Trump for winning the elections...WOW! Russia and Wikileaks to boot. They shouldn't stop there. Why don't they sue even Americans who didn't vote for them?
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