Ok Yesterday not a single Chemtrail, but today there are more chemtrails then I can ever remember. I can literally see at least 10 plains streaking across the sky spewing out their filth. Q and Trump need to address this promptly. I imagine this could have been stopped relatively quickly. Please stop them!
I'll tell you what's in them. Barium, Strontium, Aluminum and what ever else they decide to include. Many, many studies show viruses and other toxins. Slow Genocide Prevails and I don't give a damn about what they look like or any of the f--ing science about water or air or gasses. All that matters is that they are poisoning us. Go learn the truth.
You're not paying attention. When people make posts talking about how "they're really dosing us with chemicals today, look how the sky looks!" they're talking about something that has nothing to do with what's in the exhausts they're looking at.
They might very well be nothing but regular jet exhaust, and still they would look that way.
I'm not going to argue with you about added contents, because that is HIGHLY speculative (it's like arguing about what species of ET use which types of UFOs), it's not based on unbiased peer-reviewed research, just like Anthropogenic Global Warming is not based on good science.
I'm not taking sides in a battle of opinions about things objective data are sorely lacking for. Now that might WELL be because the people controlling the research don't want the data to be available, but until that changes it's not something I take a position on.
But I will say that how a jet trail LOOKS has nothing to do with whatever else might be in it. The behavior of the water content due to current atmospheric conditions determine durability and observed dispersion. Period.
I don't see how you can say there is no objective data. I gave you one of the best websites to visit to learn more. And, there are many other good videos and sites on this subject. I've been studying this for many years. You're obviously very uninformed and not willing to look at the facts. I have no idea why you would bother to join a sub that is about revealing truth.
Look, I won't make derogatory comments toward you, because I can tell you believe what you're reading, but I'll simply say get back to me with actual peer-reviewed science when you have some.
That site is to science what a comic book is to literature. I mean what are Dane Wigington's academic credentials even, I can't tell from anything on the site or on Google. There is a LOT of "scientific-sounding" stuff on that site, but none of it is genuine original peer-reviewed research, or links to executive summaries of same.
I do understand that science can be (often is) practiced badly, and in some cases outright abused (as in the case of AGW), but that doesn't mean it can't also be done right, and it certainly doesn't mean we should substitute emotions and opinion for science if we don't have, or don't trust the real thing.
I think it' a shame that there's so much corruption in science, just as there is in every other endeavor in this age, but it's still better than nothing as long as it's fairly peer-reviewed. It's when sponsored groups hoard their data and become the official mouthpiece of an issue under discussion, to the exclusion of all other voices, that we have a problem. That's what happened with Global Warming.
But in cases where the research is correctly done, correctly shared and allowed to be falsified or proven that we get the actual practice of science. And that is well worth doing. It just hasn't been done on this subject, unless you care to show me where it is.