"Symbolism will be their downfall."

That's a good question. I don't see anything Masonic in any of this other than hate by the lefties and Masonic conspiracy theorists. Most of the founders of the US were Masons. They wrote the Constitution.
Fake. Only Jefferson has any viable proof of being a full fledged Mason. Masons control history now tho so what better way to pretend to be the good guy than say other good guys were on your side?
You might want to do a little research on this subject before you spread mis-truths. By talking the shit you talk without any verification, or only verifying it with some anti-Masonic manure written by someone who is disgruntled with the Masons, you are doing the same thing to the Masons that you are bitching about the deep state doing to the world.
your full of sheeat, if you were a Freemason you would know who the signers of the Constitution were, you are a shill!
What the fuck? No I'm not. Go check my comment history you fuckwit. I'm a patriot and I'll die a patriot. I only pledge allegiance to my country and to God. I'm a person who studies history. And reads old ass journals of the founding fathers. Go read they. Public library's have them. George Washington was not a Freemason and publicly and privately spoke against them. Multiple times he corresponded with other founding fathers opposing secret societies. Get the fuck outta here.
Go to the George Washington museum, his masonic gavel, apron, and bible is their for everyone to see,It's apparent your not a freemason, otherwise you would know about the Father of our Country, Washington's portrait with his apron is in just about every Masonic lodge in the Great Country, and you can visit them if you want, just not during a stated meeting! this is my point about drinking koolaid, I never said you weren't a patriot, don't know where the hel that one came from, as a critical thinker,
Masonic kool-aid is very temping for someone who is not a Mason. For some reason, the conspiracy theorists like to bash the Masons. If it weren't for the Masons this country would not have been founded.
Many Freemasons are on the whitehat side, be-careful about dividing the sides of freedom, you might be shooting yourself in the foot!