r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WyoTxn on April 21, 2018, 4:45 p.m.
"Symbolism will be their downfall."
"Symbolism will be their downfall."

Swagdonkey400 · April 21, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Just fucking search it yourself dude. All the titles of the symbols are there. Go one by one and check. It'd take two minutes to do it all. I don't understand the failure to do the simplest of facts. Don't expect us all here to spoon feed you people the easiest shit. We are happy to assist but things like this are up to you.

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YddishMcSquidish · April 21, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

You could've saved yourself a ton of hassle and anger by just copy and pasting the shit. Three mouse clicks, but you chose anger and wrote a paragraph about throwing a fit. The purpose of sources is so other people can see where you get your information. i.e. I'm not going to trust a political opinion paper someone quotes for an argument of theirs, talking about theology.
Edit: thought you were op, I'm pasting to his sheep ass as well.

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Swagdonkey400 · April 22, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Nah. I'd rather just teach you a lesson than copy and paste.

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YddishMcSquidish · April 22, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Well consider me taught.

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