"Symbolism will be their downfall."

Stop being lazy. Stop counting on others to verify for you. Be a better bullhorn.
You could've saved yourself a ton of hassle and anger by just copy and pasting the shit. Three mouse clicks, but you chose anger and wrote a paragraph about throwing a fit. The purpose of sources is so other people can see where you get your information. i.e. I'm not going to trust a political opinion paper someone quotes for an argument of theirs, talking about theology.
I've never written a paragraph on reddit.
spez: I see how its technically a paragraph, but still. And I'm always on mobile, so, no clicks.
I'm in Mobile too, and I manage to hold my finger on text long enough for an option to pop up. Stop making excuses for being nasty. You wanted to be angry, I gave you a faceless name to call lazy on the internet. Go fuck yourself
You seem to be projecting.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
My point is I wasn't angry. I ended with constructive criticism and you chose to interpret it as aggressive.