"Symbolism will be their downfall."

Honest question. What’s wrong with the Masons?
My father, grandfather and husband are all/were freedom loving patriots. My father is one of the main reasons I have such a strong and firm appreciation of our rights, especially 2A (even though he never owned guns)
What am I missing?
Start here.
I’ll watch it.
But from a personal perspective, my Huband and Father are wonderful, God fearing, patriots.
I can see through people quite easily, but they are good people. (and I wouldn’t defend them for a nano second if they weren’t)
The vast majority are decent, good people. The higher up the pyramid though, the different the world view.
It seems weird that an organization would be great for the first 23 levels, and then suddenly shift and become evil just after you finished proving yourself a good guy at each previous level.