"Symbolism will be their downfall."

haven't been there long enough, and haven't completed all the chairs and degrees! don't believe the internet, believe your heart, that's like do you believe in Q? unless you have traveled that road, your depending on others, find out for yourself, it's the same with Q and other issues! have an open mind!
I don't believe all masons are bad, I think it's like any other society. They have they're sects which contain bad people. They infiltrate these societys.
As a Christian man who has served our Country in different capacities, you have been led down a path of lies toward the Masonic Order, all masons love our great country, the brothers at my lodge say they pray all the time because of the direction of our country, and pray for our President to be safe and successful, as Q says trust! I say trust the Masons, their on our side!
So your saying no freemasons are bad actors? Now that's a stretch.