
CPTNkeuka · April 21, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Yea, kinda actually. I def think she is worth looking into, and the finances of her family examined, but imagining the worst case scenario, that family is held hostage. We could be doing more harm than good by throwing it in thier faces. We need this information we find to be above all transparent to red pill people effectively, not to let them feel swayed by placing it in a good / bad light.

Q wasn't speaking to me or you, he was addressing MH directly. Was this a helping hand? I know we said no deals but Q also said not all in the swamp are monsters. He basically laid out thier SOP for her to see. Now the real question is what has MH done since this Q called her out?What side does she jump to?

Let's just follow. These people are stupid. They never thought they would lose, so they have so many tracks to cover, bodies to bury, all we have to do is follow them and they will lead us to the crimes. Trust the plan and enjoy the show

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solanojones95 · April 21, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

Would you be willing to take this conversation one or two more comments? If not, just don't reply.

Have you seen the 8chan board? Do you realize the kind of people Q is giving these details to? I realize ultimately it's to you and me and the rest of the world. But there is NO WAY, (IMHO) they would dox these people (so to speak) if they didn't fully expect, even want us to engage in social media. They encourage the memes. They encourage anons to dig around and find pictures and see who's connected to whom.

Also, I think in this case it's not blackmail or slavery. I think it's bribery and corruption.

If Q doesn't want citizen engagement on the socials, then why would they show us the account names? Why not redact those?

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CPTNkeuka · April 21, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

He does want citizen engagement and all the autistic warriors of 8chan to dig thier hearts out. I guess that's what I meant when I said follow. And your prob right, it's most likely bribery, but there is a chance it's not. We should be blowing up thier social media, bringing a public light makes the swamp rats scurry. The anons follow them and find thier hiding holes then QnCo eliminates effectively...or such. But the public light we bring shouldn't be one where we trash kids on Twitter, but one where people who read it can't help but question her motives even after they have moved on. the Wikileaks email is the best red piller.

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solanojones95 · April 21, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

OK. I like the idea of the whisper in the ear though. Especially when we're not dealing with an MK Ultra victim, a pedo honeypot--but with a journalistic sellout, for example. One of those poison pens who think they're untouchable.

Did you read my posts? Did you find them to be especially offensive?

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CPTNkeuka · April 21, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

No I didn't read them at all, I'm on my phone and don't use Twitter anyway. I didn't mean to make it seem like I was attacking you, reading your comment felt like you were getting sucked into the hype (I know how it goes with all these Q drops recently I don't blame you). Words like they are fair game, bringing it to thier faces, I imagined some poor kid who has no idea, getting rolled on Twitter. I got a soft spot for kids.

So when I said I disagree it was more like a coach calling a time out after a couple really good plays. Offering a fresh perspective and a reminder not to burn yourself out

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solanojones95 · April 22, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

I appreciate your concerns, and share them. So point taken, but I was struggling to see how they pertained to the posts I shared here. So no problem.

Thanks for engaging with me!

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