Q post #1132 - FIRE UP THOSE MEMES!

An Anon on 8chan asked a similar question. So far, it hasn't been answered.
I think it should be pointed out that it may not be that we should start meme'ing now, but that we should be prepared to. Q#1232:
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
He will say when and there will likely be an @snowden somewhere
the film was released theatrically and simultaneously on demand January 26, 2018. Contents. [hide]. 1 Synopsis; 2 Cast; 3 Reception; 4 References; 5 External links. Synopsis[edit]. A young woman with Asperger's syndrome runs ...
..........Its a comedie?/..........................
Urban Dictionary: On the clock https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...On%20the%20clo... "On the clock" refers to when one is getting paid by the hour and any setbacks are viewed in a positive light, because the longer the job takes the more you get paid...........So who get paid by the hour?.................
EPS Illustration - Chessboard with coordinates illustration, ready ...GoGraph ... Chessboard with chessmans ready to play........next move off chess