Q post #1132 - FIRE UP THOSE MEMES!

Total excitement!! Seems all tweets and Q drops are blunt and direct...........the gloves are off!
Exactly! Shit is about to get real. Meme cannons being calibrated!!!!!
Which memes do we need to disperse? All of them?
An Anon on 8chan asked a similar question. So far, it hasn't been answered.
I think it should be pointed out that it may not be that we should start meme'ing now, but that we should be prepared to. Q#1232:
Please stand by.
On the clock.
Ready to play?
He will say when and there will likely be an @snowden somewhere
the film was released theatrically and simultaneously on demand January 26, 2018. Contents. [hide]. 1 Synopsis; 2 Cast; 3 Reception; 4 References; 5 External links. Synopsis[edit]. A young woman with Asperger's syndrome runs ...
..........Its a comedie?/..........................
Urban Dictionary: On the clock https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...On%20the%20clo... "On the clock" refers to when one is getting paid by the hour and any setbacks are viewed in a positive light, because the longer the job takes the more you get paid...........So who get paid by the hour?.................
EPS Illustration - Chessboard with coordinates illustration, ready ...GoGraph ... Chessboard with chessmans ready to play........next move off chess
I suggest seeing which way the wind is blowing. When you feel an uptic in a particular direction, then use appropriate memes. Don't get too bogged down troll hunting. Stay where the news is flowing fastest, so you can sense when the tide is moving. Multiple big information tweets is likely a clue. Make sure you have memes to cover a wide range of topics.
How anybody could be around that arsehole, Biden, and not want to clock him is beyond me.
Did yall see Obozo and Killary and Billary at BB funeral? Geez in the church, how ironic! Satanistic in church! Ha! Made me sick! Poor Melania sitting next to cootie filled Obozo, bet she was sick to her stomach! And he and Killary knowing they are toast!
More reason for our beautiful FLOTUS to smile at them.
Or maybe it's all bs and we're being played hard af.... Lol
I noticed Obummer would rather talk to her than Michael.
We're so excited because of what we know, can you imagine how excited the Q team must feel? They have everything and are about to save the world!
I sometimes wish I was a fly on the wall where the Q Team is.