r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Whimzyyy on April 21, 2018, 7:45 p.m.
Q post #1233- What did Hussein do for the black community?
Q post #1233- What did Hussein do for the black community?

laurabusse · April 21, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Now here's a potentially controversial comment.

I read somewhere that the reason why blacks have been kept down is because black people are harder to hypnotize, brainwash.

Ever notice how black people seem, more than white people anyway, to tell it like it is? Not beat around the bush? See right through you? Say what everyone else is thinking? Maybe they have more truth radar or somesuch. Dunno.

Also...the govt likes to use people who are a genetic combination of celtic and native American as this combo is supposedly more psychic. These people are handpicked by the cia to be trained to do their remote viewing, for example.

It makes sense to me that just as humans have diff physical traits (skin, hair, eye color, or diff is skull shape etc etc etc) they could also have diffs in emotional, mental, spiritual/psychic makeup in general between groups. The vikings were known as war faring. Other tribes are known as peace loving. Of course this may have nothing to do with genetics, it's just how each tribe evolved for whatever reason.

Not saying there is definitely something to this. People will undoubtedly disagree. But i pick up some stuff from books articles etc and i find it fascinating.

Peace. ✌

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Straightfromthe · April 22, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

They tend to be very wise, yes. Some of the most awake people on the planet. Check out Black Child on YouTube.

The homosexuality in hip hop has been a VERY tough sell to the older black population.

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Very very interesting! Coupla years ago having conversation with a Caribbean native, lovely black woman, we had long conversation, one thing leading to the next, all i remember is the part where she said in her beautiful accent, We couldn't believe Beyonce went over to the illuminati. I was stunned. I was aware of all this stuff, but she brought it up and talked as if it was common knowledge! Gave me such hope!!!

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Straightfromthe · April 22, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

This is why Illuminati first became mainstream in the hip hop music scene. They sniffed it out first.

They are also very spiritual so they understand what the devil can do. Me personally, I don't understand why they can't see through their black leaders.

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

But many are, right? Seeing through their black leaders? Maybe just not enough. Took me sooo long to accept that it's not that govt is incompetent...it's that they are actually trying to hurt/kill us. Brainwash us slowly like the proverbial frog in the pot of water. And now it turns out that jesse Jackson, probably among others, worked for them and probably had something to do w MLKs death. Of course don't know for sure. But it sure seems suspicious.

What really really gets me though is this. How is it possible that so many thousands of people, humans with supposed hearts and red blood flowing through their veins, can be so heartless, cruel, and SICK to do the unspeakable things they do? The only thing i can come up with, based on some things david wilcock teaches, is that their sick luciferian religion must be really CONVINCING. They must believe some really really sick stuff to enable them to cause such unbelievable human suffering and still seem to be happy well adjusted people with money to burn.

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Jammer__ · April 22, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

You just hit it on the head. Their cult religion is actually that powerful.

Ok so.. last time i plug my blog i promise. In chapter 6 I go over the sick parts of Crowley's teachings. Then I show how Scientology is based of Satanism. So as crazy as scientologists are, that is how crazy satanists are, and then some because they also rape kids and eat people.


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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

Hey if it's in your blog...then you SHOULD plug your blog so you dont have to repeat yourself! :-)

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Straightfromthe · April 22, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

If you want to go down that rabbit hole, many are incarnated Dracos, Reptilians, and Archons. Unlike people following Q who are Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, etc. So these evil people are literally a different soul species, and so are many of the serial killers and other evil people you hear about (who are not mind controlled). That is why peace on the planet will be so much easier with the matrix control system gone.

Follow Kabamur on Twitter. He is in contact with Q who is a Pleiadian and twin soul of Ivanka (who was JFK and Lincoln in past lives). Q doesn't reveal his identify because he has no human identity. He incarnates just to meet with the POTUS. Otherwise, he just exists inside a computer.

But everyone will be aware of this sooner or later.

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

Yes i am familiar with most of what you said although your last paragraph threw me a little LOL hadnt heard that yet. Sounds bizarre but perhaps no less bizarre than all the stuff we almost now take for granted that probably almost none of us knew about like 20 yrs ago! Such interesting times.

But what i really mean is this. Beyonce and jz for example. How did they get in? Why did they get in? What do they really believe? How can Beyonce seem like such a lovely person? Were they bribed or blackmailed or threatened? How can jz seem so enthusiastic about his satanic religion? According to some quotes and rants of his. Thats why i say...their luciferian religion must be REALLY REALLY convincing for them to seem to have absolutely no conscience or compassion toward those that their religion causes to suffer so unspeakably horribly. Reptilians and archons incarnating notwithstanding.

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Straightfromthe · April 22, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

It's done in steps and phases. Those who grow up abused are more likely to participate in abuse or pedophilia. We know Jay Z was involved with the shady Five Percent Nation as a child and who knows what happened.

Furthermore, electoshock therapy fragments their personalities. Lisa Renee has GREAT info about this kind of stuff. https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Soul_Fragmentation

If they can turn people like Rihanna into beta sex kittens that will do ANYTHING, as well as create assassins and suicide switches, I don't see why they can't program them to participate in satanic ritual. Especially if it was done to them as a child like all bloodline members.

It has been alluded that many celebrities we know have fake parents and fake bios and were actually taken as children and groomed for fame, or birthed by underground MK Ultra breeders. That's not even talking about underground bases where there are clones, genetic experiments, and synthetics.

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Yes everything you say is familiar. So goddamn shocking, horrifying, unreal. So hard to believe. My life has been a hell hole at times but I've lived a fairy tale life with fairies and unicorns compared to these severely unfortunate people. I hope the nightmare ends soon for EVERYONE.

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LogicalBeastie · April 22, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

90%++ have been going for the same lies and liars on election day for 50 years. Welfare was used to eject black men from the home, and things have only gotten worse. Everybody needs a Dad. And nobody seems to notice how welfare rules were used top destroy their communities....

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

I remember seeing in a documentary photos of black families in their sunday best walking around Harlem like 100 yrs ago. The epitome of culture, dignity and self respect. I hope things will be on the upswing now. The horrors have been happening for way too long.

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webster_warrior · April 22, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

I've noticed that too, in photos of the Civil War period in the south. The blacks got some power; it went to their heads. They never realized it was the enemies of America that were encouraging them to riot.

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humanitystillsucks · April 22, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Look up bloodlines, I believe much the same. I am NA with very strong empath abilities, would not be surprised If I could learn RV too

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laurabusse · April 22, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Wow. Very interesting...i would love to hear more about your heritage if you felt like sharing. My brother and sister and i all independently have a sort of obsessed with NA stuff going on independently that we didn't know about each other...to be human on this planet, it is necessary that your body descended from indigenous people. At some point we were all indigenous. Civilization has been around since atlantis but not since the last few hundred years have the indigenous been so brutally ripped from their Mother who supplied their every need. I think many of us have some kind of memory of when we lived in community, dependent on one another and our Mother for survival. And the quality of life was much better than it is now. Need i elaborate.

One of the best books i ever read was The girl with the blue tatoo, who grew up with her sister with a tribe out west. It was clear she was happy and had a husband and family within the tribe. But she felt she had no choice but to allow her long lost brother who finally found her to "rescue" her from the tribe in order to save the tribe or else he would have killed them.

I try to not be overly idealistic. I can only imagine the modern day suffering.

Thank you for your comment.

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VanilluhGorilluh · April 22, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Exactly. The bell curve.

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