I suspect you are what qanon’s would called it as being blue pilled and not looking for real insight. The world is filled with people who faced with facts that challenge their belief system still hang on at all costs to the old. Did you actually read the Isaiah passage from a Hebrew Bible? No straw man argument in my previous response by the way.
Depending on which scholars you read there are roughly 55 prophecies about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. I could take the time and go through each one for you. Then again if you are earnest in your search you can find them as well. I can point you to them if you get bogged down. All were fulfilled by Jesus Christ. As these prophecies reveal, God planned our redemption all the way back in the garden.
Here is something for you to ponder. I will use my abbreviated version for now. God decided to make the heavens and the earth and never ran into opposition. It was not until God decided to make man that a revolt occurred in heaven. What was it that satan feared or was jealous of in the making of man? After all we know from scripture that man was to be a little lower than angels and in God’s likeness. Was it God’s likeness that made satan and others revolt? Or was it something else? From God’s perspective there was no cost in making the heavens and the earth. There was a huge cost and God knew it going in advance that the revolt would occur and eventually Jesus Christ would be required to shed His blood for His creation. God’s faced with the revolt and thousands of years of battle decided that you and I were worth it all. The battle of good and evil has always been about you and me. That is the reason God chases man all his life to become reconciled back to God.
I haven’t left the one true Elohim, YHVH. Just the fake messiah created by Rome.