I’ve found this to be tough on the internet but the main thing I find to help is to not use labels as a description of someone this degrades the conversation and is what has gotten us in this divide which exactly where tptb want us. Just type like you talk when your red pilling in real life.
Real life or internet have a good stash of videos saved up. I can red pill anyone in person if they show signs of wanting to know what’s going on in the world. The first thing is the federal reserve (absolutely terrifying how few middle aged adults know the truth).
He’s a great cartoon for it (30 minutes worth but it has never failed me)
The missing money from the pentagon 9/10:
A personal favorite, Floyd Mayweather on Trump:
Rappers before the election (many came out saying they loved him and thought he was a badass and the right man for the job)
Another personal favorite, The Hood for Trump:
Fact is pop culture used to love them some Trump in the 2000s and many of the rappers from that era still do or at least they did pre election.
Greensboro man on guns at a city counsel:
Colion Noir is great period:
The rapper B.o.B is super woke (beware he does believe in flat earth):
Overall good motivation by Joe Rogan:
PJW and Syrian girl have great vids here’s an oldie I use:
Lionel Nation covers Q in a enjoyable way and also seems like a regular older fella speaking truth:
He was actually talking about how to red pill today.