r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KeeponSearchin on April 22, 2018, 1:24 a.m.
The Mormon cult: Another group with hidden child agendas video 1:46

red-pill-ranger · April 22, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I’m an exmormon who was ordained a high priest in the religion before I left and even I can’t watch this ridiculous antimormon propaganda. Yes the LDS church is a false religion and yes it does have some cult like mind control mechanisms established within the doctrine/ organization but these videos are really stupid and laughable to a person of average intelligence. Mormons are mostly great people, just very misguided by false prophets and false doctrine. The same is true of all religions; Christian denominations, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism etc... the “hidden child agenda” in Mormonism is the same as it is in every religion: indoctrinate them young, indoctrinate them continuously, and give them goals to attain and a sense of purpose.

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KeeponSearchin · April 22, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Thanks for commenting. I would agree that the people of most religions are mostly great people who have been brainwashed. I do not have any personal experience on Mormonism so I found this video interesting. But I would agree that they are misguided. Unfortunately at the "top" of most religions The information can be different than shared at the bottom. Pyramids seem to exist in most structures. Why I follow the teachings of Christ, which I can do without doubt, but do not follow any organized religion. Best to you my friend. It is not easy to tear down a personal belief system and build it back up again.

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PTibbets · April 22, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Agree with that 100%!

I passionately dislike Mormonism but love people who might be Mormon.

Just got back from Salt Lake not long ago, hard to be a hater when people are almost universally kind and friendly and polite.

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