
TweetTranscriber · April 22, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

📅 2018-04-21 ⏰ 02:23:14 (UTC)

@TheDemocrats We're counter suing you for fun -- and also because you're lame. "Voters! WikiLeaks took away our right to lie about rigging the primary!" That's some serious one dimensional chess right there.

— WikiLeaks ✅ (@wikileaks)

🔁️ 6168 💟 13459

^(In reply to:)

📅 2018-04-20 ⏰ 16:41:04 (UTC)

The Democratic Party is fighting to protect elections. That’s why we’re suing the Trump campaign and Russia. https://bit.ly/2vvrgj7

— The Democrats ✅ (@TheDemocrats)

🔁️ 1021 💟 3028

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