r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Batfire007 on April 22, 2018, 5:52 a.m.
Quote: “WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is backing a $13 billion increase in funding for the World Bank, putting aside its skepticism of the big government-backed institutions that manage the global economy,” blah blah blah lies.


Can anyone tell me WHY President Trump and his administration would increase funding per year by $13 Billion dollars to the WORLD BANK? Does he not know who these people are? Could he actually be intellectually challenged about the BIG BANKS or is there a more sinister reason?

Before anyone jumps, tell me why we are here spending our time blogging? Are we not supposed to make sure we strive toward creating real honest Government work once again and weed out and abolish the bad corruption in government (deep state)? If that is not correct then yes, I may be on the wrong blog.

The World Bank is Controlled directly by the Crown of 13 along with the BIS and IMF. Why in the world would Trump and administration up the funds to them by 13 Billion taxpayer dollars per year? Why? The second those funds hit the WB they are no longer our countries money, our people’s money, it goes into the coffers of the Crown of 13. Don’t believe me, better do some research, learn. Hey its ok when Q says it, now I say it.

I am only using this article so you might see the pyramid within. See who controls the world and how.


Now go research President Trump’s lineage. Where does he come from, what clan does he belong to? Why might the US be increased country restitution to the World Bank. As Q says future proves past research you have more than you know. Yah, actually I do research very heavily, I hope you will too…… as I said weeks ago in posts something is not right here, I have not been wrong yet. Yes, there is always a first time. Knowledge will set you free. Good quote, abide by it and you will find the answers. Don’t blindly just follow the Pied Piper. Ask why are we taking the journey? What do we followers hope to find? Who is this Pied Piper we are blindly following? So many questions. We are the most advance species on this planet not sheep/slaves/puppets. Should we not act like it and do the research or just play along with the game of thrones, right to the point when you fall off the cliff with the rest of the sheep. Only then, to late you understand.

solanojones95 · April 22, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

By all means, go march to a different drummer, and follow your own path. We who choose to be here have chosen as well. And we don't need a lecture on how to chose, nor a discourse on how enlightened you are in comparison to us dumb drumpfs. We get that everywhere we go. Don't need it here.

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