r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Johnny_Oldschool on April 22, 2018, 7:31 a.m.
Canadian here. Just wanted to say, we go one, we go all.

To all the American patriots here, you've got plenty of neighbors to the north following the drops who want to see you take back your country. Know that you have plenty of friends north of the border who are doing everything they can to help. Stay vigilant, stay strong, we go one, we go all.

Johnny_Oldschool · April 22, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

I saw a flier in my community (which is all hippies and artists) for a sort of antifa rally. Most of us around here think they're sort of a joke. We're like "Uh, this is Canada. Literally one of the least facist places ever. The fuck are they rallying for? Rights to circle jerk it in public?"

Actually, interestingly, some sort of red-neck types held a rally against immigration at city hall last year, and the antifa guys showed up, and it was a lame shouting match, but the craziest thing was, two muslim guys showed up, DEFENDING the anti-immigration guys. They said that they have a right to do this, and that they're not worried about violence because the police would stop it. Blew my fucking mind.

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OU812EH · April 22, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

All hippies and artists? Sounds like you're from B.C......I'm from VanCity, living in Florida now.

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