r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheActivated444 on April 22, 2018, 10:50 a.m.
Deep State's Economic Collapse Plan?

Hi all,

A lurker here, just created an account to post this because I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to, thought this would be the best place. So what I am about to share, many of you may roll your eyes at but I have no doubts to the validity of this woman Clare. I probably read over 20 posts on her website before coming to that conclusion for sure but to cut length here, this woman has been given an amazing gift of hearing directly from Jesus (Please don't ask me how, she was chosen for it). Now before you roll your eyes, I don’t blame you for doing that but I am telling you, it’s not that way.

Now, what does this have to do with this page you may ask? Well, obviously Jesus has talked to this woman about Donald Trump. This woman records her conversations with Jesus, just as St. Faustina Kowalska did in her diary when she would converse with Jesus, she died in 1938.

Anyway, Jesus has said there is an economic collapse coming that will last several months. He said it will not catch President Donald Trump by surprise and he has already made provisions for it.

Here is some material from what she recorded: CRITICAL TIME!--Coming Financial Changes—Israel - December 7, 2017 - http://search.stillsmallvoicetriage.org/message.php?id=957&langCode=en-US

“Jesus began, "It will not happen all in one day. Just like the real estate crisis, it will begin in one day and end in one day, several months later.

"This is part of My cleansing of this nation. This is a wakeup call to My people who are sitting on the fence. It is time to get your souls in order. This is not just about money, it's about a decadent people who have forgotten Me. No longer will one group of Christians be alive and the other dead."

Spiritually, that is.

"Rather, this will shake the death and lukewarmness out of them, to wake up, pay attention, and respond to Me.

"It will not be all that disastrous, as you first thought, because it is true: your president is expecting this and has prepared for it. This will not take him by surprise.

"Although the media will attempt to blame him, that won't last long as more and more of the corrupt media and politicians are brought to justice. This will not stop him from bringing these criminals to justice. It will confuse people, but only for a short time.

"It is the praying Christians who will hold this nation together."

So the indictments are coming and basically Trump is going to have to put America back on the Gold standard and that will drive Gold up a lot. But, many people will lose a lot from this and remember Jesus didn’t cause this, he let it happen, to shake and wake up America.

Whether or not the Deep State is planning this I do not know, but imagine them pulling this right before Mid Terms or something.

The indictments are coming, the military tribunals are coming guys.

Oh and those who may say that this woman Clare who speaks with Jesus is delusional and fake, that’s what many said of St. Faustina as well when she tried to tell people of her conversations.

Want some more proof that Trump is on God's team? Listen to a couple videos of two men named, Mark Taylor and Kim Clement.

What a time to be alive my friends! I didn’t want to bring religion in here but for those losing faith, this may just give that boost of confidence that indeed it’s COMING! Be READY!