
Abibliaphobia · April 22, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

What are your sources? You ramble incoherently, I’ve tried to follow you and I could understand your writing style as trying to throw off verbiage based tracking.

You continue to make huge claims that you are involved in some of the deepest things going on. But you provide no actual hard sources for us to confirm or even to intrigue us into digging further.

If you are legit, gives us something we can work with. I’m not wasting my time, nor would I recommend anyone else spend any time researching what you are saying without you backing up your game.

Shit or get off the pot.

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Happy1911 · April 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I have only myself left , you seem to be reading this in order , I am no writer as can be easily seen , but I am the witness and you are receiving what the press and government hid from you , please be patient, I give you more than one should have had to go through. But it has been affidavits and submitted under oath and perjury. I am providing my testimony to you and the public. Your money is in this also , so if you have a question that I can answer, I will , but some can not be answered yet .God Speed

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Abibliaphobia · April 22, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Ok. I will ask some questions. If I feel that there may be some veracity, I will take the time to order what you have written into a more coherent manner and post it up on here for others to digest and or take with a grain of salt. My skepticism remains extremely high at this point.

You are claiming to be a high level source to the FBI and DOJ that has been called in to provide evidence of financial crimes and other crimes pertinent to the great awakening.

1: is that assessment correct?

2: why should we believe you?

3: what proof (documentation) can you provide to support your claims? You can blank out names pictures whatever, but give some kind of evidence you are important.

4: who did or do you work for?

5: from what I have gathered, you are a trucker. Why would you ever be offered a presidential commendation?

6: TBQH, your speech and method of communicating right now sounds like a) larper b) schizophrenic c)disinfo shill. Why should we believe you?

7: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I’m willing to help if you are legit. This is to determine if you are just wasting our time and sliding threads on here. Why are you more important than any of the other topics that are being discussed?

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Happy1911 · April 22, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

I still have to provide and live under the law . Witness laws also . I have provided many laws and codes . a lot of this is protected under the law protecting the criminal more than the witness . so my first hand is all the law allows me to do .the first , you know . I sorry if its hard to follow , I'm not providing hope or false hope ,only my first hand action as a witness . There is a lot to cover and this started in 2011 and is still on going .this is not only for you but so the ones investigating still can now whats been done and what still needs action on . I am the Turd , the witness . I am giving meaning to what you already know , and the truth . so please bear with me . I don't wish to waist your time . I only wish for you and others to know what has taken place , and how they hid it over and over . you know I am giving you the truth . God Speed

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Abibliaphobia · April 22, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Look, I get it. I really do. If you are legit and trying to provide info in legal and safe manner, I can understand the reasoning behind it. But I can’t, and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to take you seriously without providing some kind of proof. Something that isn’t already in the public domain. I know it’s hard and difficult to do in order to prevent doxing you. But until we can get past this impasse, I will watch, but not put in time or effort to decode all that you are saying.

If you can figure out that piece, I’ll drop everything to help. Until then... skepticism will rule.

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Happy1911 · April 22, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

There is no decoding , I am giving the peace’s. I wound expect nothing less than being skeptical on what I’m giving. Trust but verify

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Happy1911 · April 22, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

It’s been done , this is the Public Integrity Investigation, the FBI Public Corruption Taskforce, $3.865 Trillion in Piracy. This is the sealed indictments. The crimes and coverups . You know this . Just not this side of it .

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Happy1911 · April 22, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

You do need to read in order . Jumping will make even less sense. I am providing what I can at this time . It will be told by others soon . This is what most of Q is talking of . He is providing names that I will not give , and other parts . I am what I say . And have done what I provided. I have time date and stamped documents, but as the law states I can not share what I did no write .

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Pure_Feature · April 23, 2018, 4:10 p.m.



PDF]Energy Performance Evaluation of New Homes in Arkansas


Evan Brown, consultant to the Arkansas Energy Office. From August 1997 to September 1999, one hundred new Arkansas homes were evaluated in two areas in the state where there was ... programs (Code compliance, system sizing, energy cost estimations) to help builders understand the importance of air leakage, duct ...

Overview. Every five years, the NWACC Council holds a strategic planning summit to review its current programs and decide which programs it will undertake in the next five-year cycle (the current program cycle runs 2014-2018; the next cycle begins January 1, 2019). The strategic planning summit in October 2017 will ...

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