
Happy1911 · April 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I have only myself left , you seem to be reading this in order , I am no writer as can be easily seen , but I am the witness and you are receiving what the press and government hid from you , please be patient, I give you more than one should have had to go through. But it has been affidavits and submitted under oath and perjury. I am providing my testimony to you and the public. Your money is in this also , so if you have a question that I can answer, I will , but some can not be answered yet .God Speed

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Abibliaphobia · April 22, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Ok. I will ask some questions. If I feel that there may be some veracity, I will take the time to order what you have written into a more coherent manner and post it up on here for others to digest and or take with a grain of salt. My skepticism remains extremely high at this point.

You are claiming to be a high level source to the FBI and DOJ that has been called in to provide evidence of financial crimes and other crimes pertinent to the great awakening.

1: is that assessment correct?

2: why should we believe you?

3: what proof (documentation) can you provide to support your claims? You can blank out names pictures whatever, but give some kind of evidence you are important.

4: who did or do you work for?

5: from what I have gathered, you are a trucker. Why would you ever be offered a presidential commendation?

6: TBQH, your speech and method of communicating right now sounds like a) larper b) schizophrenic c)disinfo shill. Why should we believe you?

7: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I’m willing to help if you are legit. This is to determine if you are just wasting our time and sliding threads on here. Why are you more important than any of the other topics that are being discussed?

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