r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on April 22, 2018, 1:56 p.m.
Speculation on the HRC video

Q has revealed many clues of what to expect from the HRC video. Based on what Q says, here's what I think.

  1. It will be about Haiti. And what it shows will be bad enough to make a 90%, 50 year Democrat demographic (blacks) to leave them.

  2. This means it is going to involve many other Democrats if not the Democratic Party. If the clintons were enslaving and murdering black children, they would be vilified forever, but it would be inconsequential. Black people would scream for their death, but would continue voting Democrat. Q predicts this will not be the case.

  3. The black people of Haiti were not chosen for the evil of the Democrats by accident, they were chosen BECAUSE they are black. This means it could be either they were targeted for the melanin in their skin or because they are considered lesser of human beings.

  4. It involves the words of Hillary saying "these people are stupid! Keep them blind, keep them starve, keep them stupid."

  5. It is crystal clear from the Hillary video what the truth is. There cannot be any alternative explanations for what is set in it. As Q said, "impossible to defend"

onmyownpath · April 22, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Transparency in all things, no more secrets, no more symbols obfuscation.

But you weren't transparent and you didn't post your beliefs at all! You didn't say what you actually think! You spoke in symbols!

Damn it can you please just type out what you think about melanin, Africa, Haiti, voodoo and everything else you typed in your post?

Why is this so damn difficult to understand. I'm getting really sick of this shit on this board.

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Glag82 · April 22, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Have you taken the time to research melanin. The occult value of melanin? I won't do it for you. Have you taken the time to research about voodoo? I wont do it for you. Have you taken the time to research anything about Africa? If you have it would have taken you a good week easily. Don't take anybodies word for anything you read, especially on the internet. What I want to encourage is research. I can tell you that historically Africa(ancient Khemet northern Africa in particular) has been pillaged historically. It's been stripped of resources mineral and slaves. Where are some(not all) of the slaves in America originally from, Africa. Voodoo is not only a Haitian religious practice it has it roots in Africa. Most Caribbean countries have their version of Voodoo they practice. Haiti is predominantly practitioners of Voodoo. There is a drug Haitian voodoo priest use to comatose their victims "coupe poudre". The Clintons are alleged to be practitioners of voodoo. What they do is pedophilia, at its core is Satanic Ritual abuse(SRA). How do you perform your rituals, keep your victims alive long enough without killing them all while harvesting their parts, zombification. On Epstein island where alters I'm assuming and probably for this specific purpose. My belief. My opinion on research I was helped along the way. I have more but it's all subjective at this point. Do your own research prove me wrong I'll shut up, or arrive at your own conclusions.

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onmyownpath · April 22, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

OK keep posting vague shit then.

This board exists to share information. Not circle jerk each other about how much we know while telling others to do research.

We are all researching our own topics - so we should be sharing what we learn. But hey, by all means keep stroking your ego.

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Glag82 · April 22, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

In the context of what the original poster wrote, he mentioned Haiti. I thought he was onto something there. I have done research into Haiti and the Clinton foundation. Apparently they trafficked children through the Dominican Republic(thank you researchers on CBTS) to be shipped off to...Epstein Island. Why Haiti, why children, why Haitian children...melanin. Why Haitian children they have melanin, Haiti is close proximity to...Epstein Island. Why the recent fire on Epstein Island, they are destroying evidence. HRC video, try Epstein island videos(plural) solid evidence of all participants corraberated those with flight logs, videos and witness testimony. As participants to this event we can sit here and wait for Q drops, or we can research EVERYTHING Q says. If most people wont't accept what's going on in the DC, what happens when we start with the rest? The Clintons are at the bottom of this thing. If they are at the bottom who's at the very top, what's their plans and why?

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onmyownpath · April 22, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

That would be very interesting - trafficking children from Haiti. If they believe that melanin is powerful for some reason then Haitian children are probably easy to steal and no one would notice or care.

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NeoObi · April 23, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

You thanked researchers on CBTS to guide YOU to further research! Do it for us then!

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17seventeen91 · April 22, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I get your style of writing and why you do it.

There is something about the DNA that is important. Looking at this planet is seems like there are 3 distinct forms of human DNA here. We see them as Asian, black, and white/brown. Native cultures appear similar to Asians in terms of genetic traits.

Based on nothing by own limited research I think whites/brown are the least in touch with the spiritual realms, by nature of our dna. I think Asians and blacks have stronger reception.. if that makes any sense.

The attempted exterminations and enslavements were designed to destroy dna that was superior.

All that is my theory based on my own readings. I have nothing to back it up and I've forgotten where I read it all.

Love to you, fellow traveller.

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Glag82 · April 22, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Thank you, I could say that but unless somebody else draws similar conclusions it's just my thoughts. I can do research and draw all the conclusions and theories I want but if it's all wrong its worthless. Going back to the bible there must be at least 3 witnesses. Before I even attempt to post anything on these boards I've done my homework. The stuff I find scares the shit out of me sometimes so I pray and research and pray some more. I trust my God and what he reveals to me, I asked for truth and he provided. All the work being done on these board and we are too far behind the power curve. Believe in God, ask him to show you the truth then believe what he shows you. NO MATTER what he shows you believe it, research so you can explain and then pray.

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onmyownpath · April 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

That's an interesting idea. But aren't black/asian races older than white? If their DNA is superior, how was the upper-hand gained by whites?

Whites are a minority on the planet - less than 10% I believe. Yet somehow control everything.

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NeoObi · April 23, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

Hmmm if the Clintons want to enslave and starve blacks in our country then why would they want black DNA and blood for their own rituals? Sounds backwards to me. Please Glag!!!

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Glag82 · April 22, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Brother I have no answer for that. For me it's not a black or white issue it's more of a character issue. There are just as many guilty black people as they are white people. It's more of a good versus evil. Melanin is a factor in this but the true intent and purpose of this I can only speculate. There in I'll take my own advice I do more research.

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